- Carleton Rode Baptist Church
- Chapel Road
- Carleton Rode
- Norfolk
- NR16 1RN
Sunday services
Our service begin at 10.30am.
Doors open from about 20 minutes before the start of the service and there will be someone at the door to welcome you and show you where to go. They will also give you a copy of our weekly news sheet so you can see what goes on during the rest of the week. There are Bibles available to borrow if you wish - so don’t worry if you don’t have one.
Children’s activities - Sunday School
Children and young people are very important and there is a a Sunday School during the morning service. Children stay with their family at the start of the morning as we worship together for the first part of the service. The service leader will make it clear when and where children need to go for their programmes. However there is no compulsion, so if you'd rather your child stays with you, throughout the service, that is perfectly fine.
After the service
Tea, coffee and biscuits are available after the morning service, you're very welcome to stay and chat.
There is also an opportunity for personal prayer after the service finishes if requested.